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5 Reasons Your AC Could Break Soon!

We don’t want to be alarmist. For most homeowners, the signs are pretty obvious when something is wrong with an air conditioner, and getting them addressed by a professional is the first step toward successful temperature control. However, there are many people who don’t understand how their air conditioners work, and thus, how problems happen. This means that a grinding or hissing noise coming from an AC unit is more likely to be ignored because a homeowner just doesn’t know what that is!

Well, if you were looking for a way to identify some imminent problems in your air conditioner, this blog post is it! Buckle up and get ready to call us for AC repair in Salem County if you recognize any of the following issues. Our team provides expert AC repair throughout Salem County, Pilesgrove, Pittsgrove, and even Woodstown. You just need to get in touch with one of our team members!

5 Signs to Call for Support

If you’re encountering any of the following issues, then we highly recommend calling for professional support. These problems can get worse, cause an immediate shutdown, and they can even compound into multiple problems, which can be stressful when the hottest days of the year are still ahead of us!

  • Ice on the AC. One of the most insidious problems that can happen to your air conditioner is ice growing on the coils. This can come from a clogged air filter, a refrigerant leak, or even a problem with your compressor. We recommend turning your air conditioner off so the ice thaws and letting a pro take a look at what needs to be done.
  • Loud noises. Grinding, shrieking, hissing, bubbling, buzzing… All of these noises signify a problem that could be pretty bad. Schedule AC repairs when you hear loud or uncomfortable noises coming from your air conditioner.
  • Lukewarm air. The air coming from your air conditioner and the vents in your home should be cool and refreshing. If it’s not, especially on a hot day, then something is clearly wrong. Your AC could be dealing with a refrigerant leak or the compressor could be struggling. Regardless, a professional is going to need to fix the unit.
  • High energy bills. This is a tricky one. We’re not saying that AC should be cheap since it’s one of the most expensive costs that can be on a homeowner’s budget. But what we are saying is that AC costs should be nominal, and you should never be surprised by how high they are. If you’re noticing a trend as the energy required to run your AC skyrockets in just a few months, that’s a clear sign that something is wrong.
  • Short Cycling. Short cycling is a phenomenon when your air conditioner runs in short, frequent cycles instead of the full cycle. This wears down components and causes stress to build up in the unit, while doing a poor job of cooling your home. If this sounds familiar, then we recommend getting your AC checked out since short cycling can be caused by numerous different types of issues.

Check out our AC promotions to save money. For high-quality service you can count on, call Ambient Comfort!

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