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Modular HVAC is right for business

Owners of commercial buildings with multiple tenants are constantly faced with the challenge of economically modifying their properties to meet changing tenant needs. A single unit could change from a retail establishment to a restaurant to a tradesman’s shop to a professional office, each of which might have different requirements for parking, access, utilities, signage and more.

Among the most important – and potentially expensive – issues that might need to be addressed is heating, cooling and ventilating (HVAC). That is why modular HVAC systems are preferred for commercial, multi-tenant installation. They offer great economy and flexibility in multi-tenant installations.

One commonly sees modular HVAC installed on roofs, each modular unit serving a single tenant. The are several advantages to this arrangement:

Modular HVAC is Efficient. Each HVAC unit is sized for the individual tenant. No matter who is paying for utilities, he’s getting a better deal by running a system that’s sized appropriately for energy-efficient operation.

Modular HVAC Satisfies Tenant Demands. Every tenant controls his or her own thermostat, running the heat or air conditioning to suit the business’s tastes and needs. The property owner never has to get in the middle of a dispute between tenants concerning the appropriate temperature or when to turn on the A/C.

Modular HVAC is Flexible. When tenant needs or occupancy changes, modular HVAC units can change too. A tradesman’s shop might require little in the way of air conditioning. Should be space be taken over by a pizza restaurant or an office with intensive computer usage, A/C requirements might increase. The property owner can economically replace the module that serves only that rental unit, rather than modifying or replacing a single large HVAC system that serves the entire building or development. Should a space become vacant, the owner can simply turn off the unit to save energy.

Modular HVAC Conserves Space. Rooftop installation makes use of space that would otherwise be wasted. This frees us exterior ground-level space for parking and circulation, and interior space for rentable square footage.

Repair Access is Ideal. Technicians can work on rooftop units without interfering with tenant operations and without tenants or their customers interfering with the work. Rooftop installation also eliminates virtually all risks of accidental damage or tampering by tenants, their customers, or vandals.

Modular HVAC is Compact, Lightweight, and Dispersed. A combined heating, ventilating and air conditioning system saves space and is more economical to install and maintain than separate large heating and cooling systems that serve an entire building. Because modular HVAC consists of several relatively small units, roof loading is moderate, minimizing structural support issues. In contrast, a single HVAC unit large enough to serve the building would be massive, likely requiring additional structural support for safe rooftop installation.

Located in Vineland, Ambient Comfort installs and services commercial HVAC systems throughout southern New Jersey. Call us for quick repairs, regular maintenance, or a free assessment of your installation needs: 856-213-6586

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