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How Can I Save Money on My Heating Bill?

It’s no surprise that heating maintenance in Camden County is one of our most helpful tips for homeowners that want to save money on their monthly heating bills. Maintenance helps reduce utility bills, repair costs, and it even extends the lifespan of your heating system. But the question we’re going to address today is whether or not there’s more that can be done for your heating system.

The truth is that there is! From changing your air filter regularly to investing in a new thermostat, the efficiency of your home can benefit from a number of different upgrades. We provide helpful support to all homeowners that need us in Cherry Hill, Tavistock, and Voorhees, so we promise that you’ll be able to leave this blog post with a helpful bit of information and some next steps to follow.

Let’s save you money on your heating bill!

What Is Efficiency?

When we use the term “efficiency,” we’re talking about the total energy or fuel consumption of your home. The more energy your house has to use in order to do mundane things like stay warm or provide you with healthy air quality, the higher your utility bills will be and the more difficult your life might be.

Efficiency is an important measurement these days because it’s one of the best metrics we use to curb carbon emissions and fight climate change. If homes can stay warm and comfortable using less energy, then our power grids have less of a burden to burn fossil fuels and we can rely more heavily on sustainable energy investments.

However, the change always starts at home. Here are some additional ways to improve efficiency.

Changing the Air Filter

Changing the air filter in your heating system might not feel like it does much, but it actually helps tremendously. It improves the airflow into your heating system, which means that your heater has to work less hard to heat up your house and provide warm air. The more clogged an air filter is, the harder your system has to work to take in that air.

Purchasing a New Thermostat

Smart or Wi-Fi thermostats are wonderful investments because of how they can be programmed to curb energy waste. Play around with a new thermostat to set temperature regulating schedules, and even try to investigate the most energy-efficient setting you can find. Work with our team to find the right thermostat for your home!

Investing in Regular Maintenance

It was the first thing we mentioned and it’s also going to be the last–maintenance. Maintenance is hands down one of the most effective services you could purchase for your heater. Through professional repairs, adjustments, and efficiency upgrades in each maintenance appointment, we can set you on the path to success.

The beauty of maintenance is that it’s value comes from how much you’ll save for the rest of the year. It reduces the risk of a breakdown or repair need popping up, while also giving you a big picture idea of how long it will realistically last and how efficient it’s already operating.

Need more efficiency tips? Contact Ambient Comfort today and invest in our maintenance agreement!

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