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The Importance of a Year-Round HVAC Maintenance Plan

Cooling season is coming to a close, even though it’s taking its sweet time. And heating season won’t be here for another few weeks. This is precisely the reason why some people love the fall, we get a brief period of time where temperatures are mild and we don’t even need our HVAC systems! It’s the perfect time to go check out some fall foliage, take that last hike of the season, and save money on your energy bills.

That being said, winter weather will soon hit Franklinville, Gloucester City, Swedesboro, and other areas in our county. Everyone in those towns will need powerful heating systems to remain comfortable. This includes you if you’re reading this blog post and are in our service area!

The best way to ensure your furnace is ready for the season ahead is to invest in HVAC maintenance in Gloucester County, NJ. We’ll cover why maintenance is such an important service.

The Benefits of a Maintenance Agreement

Many homeowners operate under the assumption that maintenance is an optional service. As long as you take care of your air conditioner or heater yourself, and as long as you replace the air filter every few months, you’re pretty much set for a decade. While we wish this were the case, it’s really not. Maintenance is required in the same way that an oil change in your car is required. Sometimes, regular, routine services are a necessary part of owning complex systems like a high-efficiency furnace or a heat pump.

So, let’s get into the specifics of why maintenance is so important.

  • Keep your warranty. Many heaters are installed with a warranty that’s going to help you save money on repair needs. However, most of the time maintenance is necessary in order to keep a warranty. That alone is a great reason to invest in maintenance services.
  • Improve the system’s efficiency. The higher efficiency your system operates with, the less energy it will consume and the less money you’ll pay monthly. Maintenance is designed to improve system efficiency through minor fixes and adjustments.
  • Better comfort. A well-maintained heating system is going to provide more reliable comfort during the coming winter.
  • Savings down the line. A heater that’s not maintained isn’t going to last as long as one that is. This means that maintenance is allowing your system’s lifespan to extend to where it should be, and you don’t have to pay for an early replacement.
  • Minimize repair needs. A heater is always going to require a couple of repairs during its lifespan. That number would be inflated for systems that skip maintenance. If you invest in maintenance now, you’ll be minimizing repairs in the future.
  • Assess the system’s condition. Maintenance is a great opportunity to evaluate your heater’s condition and think about the future. If it’s getting too old to reliably heat your home, then it might be time to replace it. Luckily, with maintenance, you’ve got time to think about it!

Fall is the perfect time to invest in heater maintenance. Act quickly before the cold weather hits!

Contact Ambient Comfort today to have maintenance performed on your heater.

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