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Heed These Signs You Need Boiler Repairs

technician-working-on-gas-powered-boilerTemperatures are slowly, but surely, beginning to warm. Soon enough you won’t need to use your boiler system on a daily basis to keep warm. So, it can be easy to ignore any possible signs of repair. After all, you don’t have to worry about it again until next fall, so why bother, right? This can be a mistake. Premature system breakdowns can occur when you ignore repair needs or don’t have your system routinely maintained.

By having professional boiler maintenance done and by staying on top of repair needs, you can prevent costly problems. But of course, there is always a chance that something will go wrong eventually anyway. Eventually, your boiler will wear down to the point that it needs to be replaced. But do you know what to look for that indicates yours is in trouble?

First, Look at Age

The average boiler system, when it is properly maintained, can last around 15 years. If yours is nearing this age or has already reached it, you’ll want to consider how efficiently it’s still operating and if it has excessive repair needs that would make it more financially sound to replace the system.

Keep reading for more signs of a boiler in distress, and keep in mind if you are affected by any of the following problems and your boiler is on the older side, replacement is probably your best option.

Foul Odors

One of the signs of a boiler in distress is unfamiliar or unpleasant smells coming from the system—these should never be ignored! They could be a sign of a gas leak, which needs to be addressed immediately when you notice it. Even if the smell isn’t caused by a gas leak, it may be a problem with your ventilation system that needs to be fixed.


A leak is definitely something you should never ignore when it comes to your boiler system. Not only can this lead to significant property damage in your home, it can be a sign of something going wrong inside your boiler, plus it can lead to system inefficiency.

Temperature Problems

If your water is usually cooler or hotter than what the temperature should be, you may have a problem with your boiler. The water is probably not circulating like it should be, which means your boiler cannot consistently heat your home.

Higher than Normal Utility Bills

It makes sense that your energy bills will be higher in the winter when you’re using your boiler. However, if they’re significantly higher than what they were last year, or higher than what your neighbors are paying for similar use, then you may have a system that isn’t performing as effectively and efficiently as it once did.

Frequent Repair Needs

Boilers are sturdy heating systems that shouldn’t require too many repair needs over its lifetime. If, however, you find yourself calling for repairs every few months, then your aging boiler has probably degraded to the point that replacement simply makes the most economical sense.

For expert boiler repair service and more in Camden County, NJ, contact Ambient Comfort today.

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