It’s Time to Invest in a REME Halo

April 12th, 2021

For the uninitiated in Folsom, Linwood, or Ventnor City, the REME Halo is a specific type of air purifier that looks to completely scrub the air of contaminants. While this has been a great boon for many homes in the area, as soon as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the country, we were hesitant to tout it as a solution. After all, when it comes to air purifiers in Atlantic County, NJ, we want to be absolutely certain if one of our machines will clean the air of this disease.

Now, thanks to some scientific reports that are being shown all over the news, we can safely say that the REME Halo does, in fact, eliminate COVID-19 that passes through your home’s ductwork.

Let’s explore how this system works and talk more about why it’s such an important piece of technology that you could have in your home.

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Why We Help Businesses in Atlantic County

March 29th, 2021

Commercial HVAC in Atlantic County, NJ can be complicated. Businesses have a lot of needs and they’re becoming fed up with subpar service or contractors that promise more than they can provide. This is a serious problem because when commercial HVAC companies don’t provide what a business needs, the whole community’s economy can suffer. Legal issues, employment issues, and funding issues can all become front and center from uncomfortable and unsanitary comfort conditions.

Today, we’d like to focus on the difference building owners find when they work with us. We want to highlight the “why” our business excels at working with commercial clients in the area. If you’re a business owner in Folsom, Linwood, and Ventnor City, our team can provide comprehensive HVAC work that gets things done quickly.

Let’s talk about why Ambient Comfort provides a better level of service than other competitors in our area.

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Heater Repair in the Spring? Really?

March 15th, 2021

You might be happy with the fact that temperatures are finally starting to warm up, but forgetting about your heater is the last thing you should be doing right now. Your heating system, like it or not, is going to be required for next winter, and even the winter beyond that. So, if there’s a problem with your system now, it’s not going to go away and will likely get worse over the months where your system sits collecting dust.

Yes, heater repair in Gloucester County, NJ as well as in Swedesboro, Franklinville, and Glassboro is going to be necessary in the springtime. Here’s a good rule of thumb—it doesn’t really matter what season it is. If your heater has a problem, that problem needs to be fixed.

So, let’s talk about some common heater problems in spring and what you can do about them.

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How an HRV Works

March 1st, 2021

HRVs, also known as heat recovery ventilators, are a peculiar device for the modern-day home. They basically allow you to feel the fresh outdoor air in your heavily insulated home without the need for opening a window and wasting all the heat or air conditioning you spend so much money on. They use an interesting scientific process to transfer that heat or air conditioning to fresh outdoor air at little cost to you.

Why does this matter to you? Well, it’s a perfect way to get fresh air at an affordable cost in the middle of the winter or the height of the summer. We provide service for heat recovery ventilators in Camden County, NJ to allow homeowners that experience. Keep reading as we get into the nitty-gritty of how these systems work, and why one might be perfect for your home.

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What’s the Point of a Humidifier?

February 15th, 2021

We’re excited to offer some special promotions centered around humidifiers this month, but we need to make it clear how valuable these systems can be. Humidifier service in Cape May County, NJ isn’t a joke—it can seriously benefit you, your family, and your furniture in ways you never thought possible. Winter air in this area, especially in Avalon, Ocean City, and Sea Isle City, gets incredibly dry due to the drop in temperature. This dryness will make you mildly uncomfortable and also do some serious harm to your home.

A humidifier is a system that’s built to protect your home from what can go wrong due to dry air. Cracked furniture, cracked skin, and staying resistant to germs is a reality that is only brought about with the help of a humidification system. Keep reading so we can get into the details about how these systems work, and why our promotion is such a huge deal.

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Furnaces: 4 Quick Tips for Better Comfort

February 1st, 2021

Furnaces are powerful machines. In recent years, many models are beginning to increase their efficiency and durability to unprecedented levels. This means they’re consuming less energy, breaking down less frequently, and lasting for longer. That’s great news, right?

Well, that just means that most furnaces are lasting longer and not running into as many problems. But just because most furnaces are in better shape today doesn’t mean that yours is. That’s why we keep telling homeowners to remain vigilant and be the best furnace owners they possibly can be. By following our four quick tips each heating season, you can extend the lifespan of your system and limit your need for furnace service in Camden County, NJ even more!

Owning a furnace is an ongoing project that’s going to take some time and elbow grease. So let’s get to work!

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Winter FAQ: Everything to Know About Your Heater

January 18th, 2021

Winter can be hard. This year is especially hard with a global pandemic and so many other related hardships for the folks in our area. The least we can do is help your heater work the way it should and promptly address any problems. The only issue with this sentiment is that many homeowners don’t know enough about their heaters to call us!

So, let’s change that. If you’re the owner of a furnace, a heat pump, or another type of heating system that’s struggling this winter, keep reading. We’ll go through a complete FAQ that addresses common questions, what to look out for, and what to do when you notice a problem.

Heating in Camden County, NJ doesn’t have to be complicated. When there’s something wrong, or something occurs that’s out of the ordinary, you call for help so we can address it. That’s it!

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Is Your Heater Suffering From Efficiency Problems?

January 4th, 2021

Winter is in full force and by now you’ve probably noticed some strange things about your heater. You might have realized that it’s struggling to do its job. Or perhaps it’s not cooling certain rooms where you spend a majority of your day. Your bills are only getting higher as you keep it on longer and try to get every last degree of heat out of the system that you can. What gives?

This is what we call in the industry, “poor efficiency.” Sure, the heater works, but without heater service in Burlington County, NJ it’s not going to work the way it’s supposed to. You might not think that your heater could benefit from heating repairs, but as long as the system is having trouble running efficiently, repairs could help. Let’s talk about some ways that your heater could be suffering, and what you can do to improve the efficiency of the system.

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Don’t Wait on This Heater Repair

December 21st, 2020

There’s a phrase we hear all too often in this industry: “Well, it works, doesn’t it?” This phrase is our kryptonite because it can be the difference between a decent heating system and a heater that’s in terrible need of repair but suffers from neglect.

Stop thinking about your heater as a system that just works or it doesn’t. Sometimes things in life aren’t that black and white. It’s time to start thinking about how well your system works, and whether or not heating repair in Burlington County, NJ could help it work better. Think about your heating system as being on a spectrum.

If you had to choose a number between 1-10 for how well your heater worked, what would you choose? If it’s anything less than a 9 or 10, then our heating repair services can absolutely help.

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3 Hidden Benefits From an Air Purifier

December 7th, 2020

Air purifiers do a service that a lot of people already know about. They purify your air, so why would you ever read a blog about them? Can’t you just go into every air purifier purchase knowing exactly what you get? Well, not entirely.

For starters, air purifiers do purify the air in our homes—but there are some hidden benefits that you don’t realize come from air purification as well. We want homeowners to invest in air purifiers to stay safe, but also to be comfortable and save money, which is exactly what we’ll be talking about.

If you find yourself really wanting an air purifier in Mount Laurel, NJ after reading this blog, then don’t hesitate to call us. We’ll get you set up with

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