No, Your AC Shouldn’t Be Making These Sounds

August 5th, 2019

woman-covering-her-earsWe all know someone who says that your AC should be louder on a muggy day because it’s “working harder,” or that the grinding noise is just how the unit “warms up.” Take our word for it, these claims are not sound. Who would you rather listen to, your neighbor or a technician who has at least five years of experience in the field of HVAC repair?

Air conditioners are built to be quiet. The only sound you should be hearing from a fully functioning air conditioner is the slight sound of a cool breeze and the hum of the fans. When your car makes a strange noise, do you assume it’s normal? Just because your HVAC unit doesn’t have a check engine light, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still be vigilant! So, let’s take this opportunity to discuss what exactly to do if you do hear your air conditioner making noises.

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Simple Steps You Can Take Toward Better Cooling Efficiency

July 22nd, 2019

vent-near-floor-on-wallSummer is progressing right along, and we’re sure your air conditioner is chugging right along with it. With how much we use our home cooling systems, it’s only natural that you may wonder how to cool your home most efficiently, to save energy and subsequent money.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can boost efficiency, which we’ll get to below. First, we do want to mention the importance of air conditioning maintenance. Maintenance allows our technicians to thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust your system to ensure it’s performing as it should, for as long as it should! Tune-ups are typically best scheduled in the spring before you need your system the most, but it’s more important that you have maintenance done routinely than it is the time of year you schedule it.

If you haven’t scheduled your tune-up yet, give us a call! We service Cherry Hill, Voorhees, and the surrounding Camden County area! In the meantime, check out these other efficiency-boosting tips.

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Save Money with Routine AC Maintenance

July 8th, 2019

outside-ac-unit-sitting-atop-money-with-white-backgroundSummer is officially here! We understand, you don’t want to think about that quite yet. After all, it means your energy bills are going to spike again like they did during the winter. But what if we told you that you might be spending more than necessary to keep your house cool each summer?

Even if your air conditioner is running “just fine,” you can reduce your monthly bills. How? By scheduling a professional air conditioning tune-up, that’s how! Keep reading as we go through the hows and whys of air conditioning maintenance. If you’re still not convinced that air conditioning maintenance can save you money after that, contact our team and ask about our CCA Comfort Club Maintenance Plan. We’ll share more details below!

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Can Too Much Humidity Hurt Your AC?

June 24th, 2019

air-conditioner-next-to-brick-houseWe may have a bit of a reputation for chilly and often quite snowy winters, but that doesn’t mean that our summers don’t pack quite the punch. With soaring temperatures and excess moisture in the air, it’s easy to feel uncomfortable in your home—at least, without the right indoor air quality products and air conditioning system in place, that is.

That said, one indoor air quality problem in particular—high humidity—not only impacts comfort but can damage your air conditioner, too, leaving your home muggy and uncomfortable. Fortunately, there’s a great way to prevent all this. The installation of a whole-house dehumidifier!

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How Has Modern Technology Improved AC Efficiency?

June 10th, 2019

smart-thermostat-in-forefront-with-house-in-backgroundWe could talk about all the advancements made to HVAC systems and the benefits of installing a new system, your HVAC system options such as ductless mini-splits, and how to boost the efficiency of your air conditioner by using ceiling fans. These are, after all, methods of improving your air conditioner efficiency.

There’s another piece of technology though that has helped air conditioners make huge strides in efficiency with minimal work—the thermostat!

As you likely understand to a point, the thermostat of your HVAC systems is essentially the brain of those systems. Today’s smart thermostats—also called Wi-Fi thermostats—can do so much more than simply set temperatures. You can keep things that basic if you choose, but the biggest benefit of a smart thermostat is the precision and customization it affords you. Keep reading to learn what type of benefits you can take advantage of with a smart thermostat!

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You Don’t Expect This to Happen to Your AC!

May 26th, 2019

woman-looking-shocked-and-covering-mouth-on-grey-backgroundThere are, unfortunately, a number of calamities that can impact an air conditioner at any time. Of course, you can prevent most of these with regular professional maintenance—in fact, professional maintenance prevents approximately 85% of the repair needs your air conditioner may need throughout its lifespan!

But what about unexpected air conditioner problems—problems you should never even have or are so rare you don’t hear about them much? They do happen, and it’s a good idea to be aware of them so that if you’re affected, you won’t be surprised, and you’ll know to call for professional repairs right away. Read on to learn more!

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If You Skipped AC Maintenance, It’s Not Too Late!

May 13th, 2019

air-conditioner-with-tools-sitting-on-topWith May just about halfway over and temperatures already warming up, you might have come to the realization that it was time to schedule maintenance for your air conditioner. But is it too late? Should you just skip it now that you’re going to need your air conditioner on a daily basis soon? Well, no!

It’s never too late to get your air conditioner tune-up. This is a prime example of “it’s better late than never,” and there are a number of benefits to maintenance, as well as becoming a member of our maintenance program, which we’ll share more details on below.

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Can You Add an Air Conditioner to a Heat-Only System?

April 29th, 2019

top-view-of-an-outdoor-ac-unitThe short answer to this is, “yes.” Yes, you can add an air conditioner to a forced-air heating system. It is, however, a complex process and we never recommend it be attempted by a homeowner. Of course, we’ll say this about any air conditioning or heating installation. There are many factors that go into matching the right system to the right home—take sizing for instance.

Many homeowners in Pennington, NJ believe “the bigger the better” when it comes to their HVAC installation. But actually, just as too small of a system won’t be powerful enough for your home, too large of a system will be too powerful and will go through a process called “short-cycling,” which is damaging to the system. But we digress.

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Ocean Air and Your AC: How to Prevent Saltwater Erosion

April 15th, 2019

ben-franklin-bridge-in-new-jerseyIf there is one thing we’re quite familiar with living near the Jersey Shore, it’s saltwater and salty air. As a result, we need to take special care of our HVAC equipment to ensure it’s not in danger of damage. Ocean air can actually lead to a good deal of corrosion, and impact the functionality of your air conditioner. Keep reading to learn more about how salty air impacts your AC so you can take steps to mitigate system problems. If you need AC repair in Burlington County, NJ, we’ve got you covered!

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Heed These Signs You Need Boiler Repairs

April 1st, 2019

technician-working-on-gas-powered-boilerTemperatures are slowly, but surely, beginning to warm. Soon enough you won’t need to use your boiler system on a daily basis to keep warm. So, it can be easy to ignore any possible signs of repair. After all, you don’t have to worry about it again until next fall, so why bother, right? This can be a mistake. Premature system breakdowns can occur when you ignore repair needs or don’t have your system routinely maintained.

By having professional boiler maintenance done and by staying on top of repair needs, you can prevent costly problems. But of course, there is always a chance that something will go wrong eventually anyway. Eventually, your boiler will wear down to the point that it needs to be replaced. But do you know what to look for that indicates yours is in trouble?

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