Programming Your Thermostat To Save Fuel Costs

October 18th, 2017

Changing your home thermostat setting is an easy way to save fuel costs.

Let’s start off by debunking a common myth that lowering the thermostat and then bumping it up again actually uses more energy. It doesn’t. Lowering your thermostat by just a few degrees in the winter when no one is home, and then again at night during sleeping hours will actually reduce your heating bill about 5 to 10 percent. Turning it down to 55 degrees during times when you will be away for a few days will also save money, as opposed to maintaining the home temperature as if people were present.

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Buying A Furnace For An Historic Home

October 10th, 2017

Everything old is new again is a saying that fits for homeowners of historic properties. Keeping older heating systems maintained and running well in older homes is an interesting job that is best met by an experienced heating consultant. When it comes time to replace an entire home heating system, the project becomes an even bigger consideration.

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Maintenance agreements make sense for heating and cooling equipment

September 22nd, 2017

So many everyday purchases now come with a maintenance agreement option. Long available on motor vehicles and major appliances like clothes washers and refrigerators, they are now offered on computers, phones and many other electronic devices. Hearing the familiar refrain “would you like a maintenance agreement or extended warranty?” at the check-out counter has become too familiar and not always welcome. Sometimes, the item might be so unlikely to fail, or the extra protection might cost so much, that it just seems like one more scam.

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Modular HVAC is right for business

September 8th, 2017

Owners of commercial buildings with multiple tenants are constantly faced with the challenge of economically modifying their properties to meet changing tenant needs. A single unit could change from a retail establishment to a restaurant to a tradesman’s shop to a professional office, each of which might have different requirements for parking, access, utilities, signage and more.

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Make your air conditioning last longer.

August 4th, 2017


Quality heating and air conditioning equipment, professionally installed and regularly maintained, can run effectively for up to 16 years. Would you like that kind of long-term service from the mechanical systems in your home or business?

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How do I keep my home evenly cooled?

August 4th, 2017


Keeping your home evenly cooled during the hot summer months is key to feeling consistently comfortable, but letting your air conditioning system do all the work by cranking it up high can increase wear on the system and result in steep energy bills.

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Why is my air conditioner blowing warm air?

July 19th, 2017


It has happened to most of us, and usually during a particularly hot and humid summer day. You’re uncomfortable and detect that your air conditioner is blowing warm, instead of cool, air!

Easy Resolutions

Often there is an easy fix to this common problem. Is your system set to heating instead of cooling mode? The first recommended step is to check your thermostat settings, which can easily get switched, especially during the changeover between seasons. It should be set to “cool” mode and the fan switched to the “auto” position. Make sure the temperature setting is below what the actual room temperature is.

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Is Your Basement Leaking Cold Air?

July 5th, 2017

Is Your Basement Leaking Cold Air?

When the topic is leaky basements, one usually thinks of water coming through the foundation and causing a flood. But basements that leak air can be a problem too if you have central air conditioning. When you’re paying to cool your home, a leaky basement will allow cool air to escape. This is like throwing away money. It also places a higher demand on your air conditioner, forcing it to work overtime to cool the home, shortening its lifespan, and increasing repair costs. If you’re looking to fix these pesky leaks, contact us today for all your Cumberland County, NJ HVAC needs!

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Managing your Indoor Humidity for Ultimate Comfort

June 23rd, 2017

Managing your Indoor Humidity for Ultimate Comfort

Maintaining ideal humidity levels indoors is important for a number of reasons ranging from health concerns to utility costs. Both your home and your body have ideal humidity levels at which they work optimally and most efficiently.

In dry or arid areas, like New Mexico and Arizona, humidifiers release moisture into the air to keep humidity levels at optimum levels. In the more humid climates of southern New Jersey, however, residents need dehumidifiers to remove moisture from the air to keep homes and businesses at optimal levels. Here are three reasons to install a dehumidifier.

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Check for Air Leaks Before the Dog Days of Summer

June 21st, 2017

Check for Air Leaks Before the Dog Days of Summer

If you’re concerned about your summertime air conditioning bills, the solution might not lie in turning the thermostat up. Instead, take a walk through your home to see how many air leaks there are.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 25 percent of the cost of heating and cooling a home is associated with the leaks found in the walls, floors, windows and doors. Fortunately, the leakage is easy to detect and seal using inexpensive and durable products. 

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