Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Burlington County’

Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

Monday, March 10th, 2025

Did you know that the average American spends well over 90% of their time indoors? That means we’re almost constantly breathing in the same air over and over, trapped with the same germs, dust, and other contaminants. And indoor air is far more contaminated than the fresh air that’s outdoors! This is one of the clearest illustrations of why indoor air quality matters.

And you don’t have to live with whatever’s floating around in your home’s air. You can take charge of it, for your well-being, and for the benefit of your home itself as well as everyone in it. We’ve got a special offer for you to save $50 on an indoor air quality product. What could that be? Let’s take a look!

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Preventative AC Maintenance Tips

Monday, April 24th, 2023

Temperatures are starting to fluctuate above the “mild and comfortable” zone now. While we’re not quite at summertime yet, it’s never a bad idea to get started working with your air conditioner so it’s prepared for the heat ahead. This can be done in multiple different ways.

For starters, we’ll be reviewing some great DIY tips that can help you set your air conditioner up for success in Mount Holly, Lumberton, and even Evesham. This includes things like replacing the air filter, hosing down the unit, and even making sure that your vents are cleared. Then, we can discuss the most important thing of all–your preventative AC maintenance in Burlington County. This professional service goes a long way towards making sure your AC’s components are in great shape and ready for the future. Couple this professional maintenance with some DIY tricks, and you’ll be in great shape.

Yes, you can officially start bragging to your neighbors about your AC once you’ve completed these steps!

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How Humid Should My Home Be?

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Have you ever heard the expression “every home is different?” It’s true, every single home is going to be designed and put together differently depending on the people who live in it. Your cousin’s home probably looks at least a little different from your best friend’s home, and that’s one of the fun parts about being a homeowner. Your home gets to be the way you want it, and nobody can tell you otherwise.

When it comes to comfort, this is going to remain true. Every home is going to have its own comfort preferences. Homeowners throughout Mount Holly, Lumberton, and Evesham are going to live differently and with different comfort preferences. But what if we told you that there is such a thing as having extreme comfort preferences that could damage your home, your health, and your energy efficiency? We’d argue that humidity levels need to be normalized when it comes to indoor air quality in Burlington County. And here’s why.

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What Type of Furnace Is Right for Me?

Monday, October 10th, 2022

For many homeowners, when they think of a furnace system, they imagine the gas-burning one that’s become so iconic. Don’t get us wrong, natural gas-fueled furnaces are some of the most efficient and powerful models on the market, and our team specializes in the installation, replacement, and repair of these units. Gas furnaces are iconic because they work, and they’re still available for customers who need them. But for the sake of this blog post, they’re not the only type of furnace available!

Homeowners often have the choice between a gas furnace and an electric furnace, each with a different cost and operation. We think it’s important that customers get informed on the different types of furnace installations in Burlington County before making a decision, so we’d like to help you on your journey.

Let’s talk about the two main types of furnaces in Hainesport, Medford, and Tabernacle, and hopefully, point you in the right direction.

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3 Reasons to Consider a Smart Thermostat

Monday, June 27th, 2022

We’ve seen a fair amount of homes in our time with highly efficient and technologically advanced HVAC systems paired with old thermostats that might have been from the ’70s. While we’re not going to fault anyone for their aesthetic preferences (some of those old thermostats look pretty groovy!), we do think that it’s time that homeowners evaluated the importance of their thermostats. After all, a thermostat is a piece of technology that performs a vital function for a home!

A smart thermostat in Burlington County can be a great investment when you’re looking to cut down on your energy bill and keep things comfortable. Not to mention that thousands of people will attest in Mount Holly, Lumberton, and Evesham that smart thermostats make things so much more convenient! Today, we’d like to talk about how these systems work and why they’re such a great investment.

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Ambient Comfort’s AC Tune-Up Guide

Monday, March 14th, 2022

Springtime is officially here! Before we get into talking about air conditioners, it would be a good idea to enjoy the season for what it is! Temperatures are going to be milder, which means you can spend more time doing fun things outdoors. We don’t really have to worry about heat for another couple of months at least, so why not start planning out the garden and start doing some hikes?

We don’t need to tell you how to enjoy the springtime, but what we should talk about now is the need for an AC tune-up. Springtime quickly turns to summer in Hainesport, Medford, and Tabernacle, so we want to take a moment and talk about the importance of AC maintenance in Burlington County. We’ll discuss why it’s valuable, what it does, and why springtime is the perfect time for maintenance!

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You May Need Heating Maintenance Soon

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

We’d like to be very clear before we get into the details of this blog. Maintenance is absolutely necessary for your heating system every year. When we say “routine” maintenance, what we’re really saying is yearly maintenance. This service gets more valuable the more regular it is because it allows our technicians to keep it running at peak efficiency and performance each and every year. One or two skipped maintenance appointments are just the start of a bad trend that could lead to a system breakdown or more.

You may need heating maintenance in Burlington County soon, since we’re about to hit the peak winter season. We can tune up your system so that it’s ready to fight against the cold temperatures and keep heating bills at an affordable cost throughout the season.

Let’s talk about why maintenance appointments are so valuable.

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3 Reasons to Consider a Maintenance Plan

Monday, July 19th, 2021

Maintenance is important for a lot of appliances and equipment, not just your HVAC system. For instance, if someone told you that you never had to change the oil in your car, you’d look at them like they were crazy, right? Likewise, with cleaning down your countertops and surfaces, some things in your home need to be taken care of, or you’ll see a huge hit to your home comfort and an expensive cost down the line.

AC maintenance is the same thing. Professional HVAC maintenance in Burlington County, NJ isn’t a luxury service. It’s absolutely necessary for the efficiency and functionality of your air conditioning system. The longer you go without maintenance, the more you’re paying in energy bills, and the more likely you are to see your system require an early retirement. Let’s talk about a few reasons why investing in maintenance here in Hainesport, Lumberton, and Moorestown is always a good idea.

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3 Signs You Need a New AC Installed

Monday, June 21st, 2021

A new air conditioner can be quite an investment. Homeowners will pay for anything before deciding it’s finally time to purchase a new AC system. We completely understand, money doesn’t grow on trees and it’s becoming increasingly more important to save every penny you can! That being said, sometimes purchasing a new AC can be a way to save money if you’re looking at it from a long-term perspective.

Let’s face it, whether you live in Evesham, Medford, or Mount Laurel, your home needs air conditioning. It’s not as much of a luxury as it is a necessity. The problem comes when you’re using an inefficient or broken air conditioner. Investing in AC installation in Burlington County, NJ could actually save you money if it replaces an old, broken, or inefficient system.

Keep reading as we talk about why you might need to invest in a whole new air conditioner.

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Is Your Heater Suffering From Efficiency Problems?

Monday, January 4th, 2021

Winter is in full force and by now you’ve probably noticed some strange things about your heater. You might have realized that it’s struggling to do its job. Or perhaps it’s not cooling certain rooms where you spend a majority of your day. Your bills are only getting higher as you keep it on longer and try to get every last degree of heat out of the system that you can. What gives?

This is what we call in the industry, “poor efficiency.” Sure, the heater works, but without heater service in Burlington County, NJ it’s not going to work the way it’s supposed to. You might not think that your heater could benefit from heating repairs, but as long as the system is having trouble running efficiently, repairs could help. Let’s talk about some ways that your heater could be suffering, and what you can do to improve the efficiency of the system.

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