Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Cumberland County’

Common IAQ Pollutants and Causes

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Indoor air quality is a serious concern for homeowners these days. It’s not really that the pollution is coming from outside of the home, but rather from inside where our houses are so tightly sealed that contaminants have trouble leaving. Some contaminants are more common than others, and we’ve decided to write a bit of a PSA about the different, most common IAQ pollutants and where they come from.

Of course, the simple solution to all of this would be to call the pros at Ambient Comfort. We have tried and tested solutions for indoor air quality in Cumberland County, and we love testing and addressing problems in our customers’ homes. For an air filter or an air purifier in Deerfield, Greenwich, or Upper Deerfield, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

For everyone else, keep reading as we get into the contaminants and what you should be on the lookout for.

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Ambient Comfort’s Guide to Efficiency

Monday, July 18th, 2022

Ah, efficiency. It’s one of the most important aspects of air conditioning, heating, and indoor air quality. Ever since energy prices started to rise and we’ve dealt with the effects of climate change, it became clear that energy is going to cost us. Every time you switch on a TV, and every time you turn on a light in your home, that consumes a certain amount of electricity that’s going to cost money paid to the utility company. The more energy you use, the more you pay for the electricity. And, as things are today, an air conditioner consumes the largest amount of electricity of any appliance in homes throughout Greenwich, Hainesport, and even Evesham.

In order to measure how effective your air conditioner is, or the condition it’s in, we need to talk about its efficiency. This blog is devoted to all things efficiency—what it is, why it’s important, and what you can do to improve your HVAC efficiency in Cumberland County.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your AC System

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Things aren’t as cut and dry as they might seem when it comes to air conditioning. Some air conditioners are completely broken down and require repair, others are working but not to the best of their ability, and some are in amazing shape. The lifespan and condition of an air conditioning system, just like your car or your home, is a spectrum that requires yearly attention and best practices to make the most of.

Scheduling AC maintenance in Cumberland County can be a great way to take advantage of professional services and extend the lifespan of your system. For homeowners in Deerfield, Greenwich, and Upper Deerfield, you can see a huge improvement in efficiency levels, longevity, and the comfort of your own home with maintenance.

Let’s talk about how maintenance helps your AC, and a few additional strategies to get the most out of your air conditioning system.

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Holiday Heating Repair Guide

Monday, December 20th, 2021

Have you ever seen those signs at a bus station or train station that say “if you see something, say something?” Well, the same concept could be applied to your home heating system. Unless you’re perfectly happy with the heat that your heater provides, the heating bills you pay, and the quiet nature of the system, you might have a problem that needs to be fixed. Simply put, if you notice something wrong or uncomfortable with your heating system, tell us!

For this holiday heating repair guide, we’d like to touch on a few common problems that rear their heads this time of year. From clogged air filters to refrigerant lines leaking due to extreme weather conditions, you could need heating repair in Cumberland County from a team of professionals. We can be there to help, and we can also be found in Greenwich, Hainesport, and even Evesham for homeowners that call our hotline.

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3 Reasons to Get a UV Air Purifier

Monday, August 16th, 2021

Air purification is an interesting process. There are different air purifiers on the market that clean your air in different ways, but one stands out above the rest. That’s a UV air purifier. UV stands for an ultraviolet light air purifier, and it’s a system that basically uses low-frequency UV light to kill microorganisms before they have a chance to harm you. That’s right, this includes viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and any other single-celled organisms that could potentially make you sick or uncomfortable.

However, that’s only the beginning of where this air purifier in Cumberland County, NJ can help your home. This blog post is all about the benefits of air purification and why an ultraviolet germicidal light is one of the best methods of cleaning your indoor air. Plus, we’ll talk about a few bonuses that this system provides when you invest in the installation of one!

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