Ambient Comfort LLC Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Salem County’

Let Us Help with Your New Year’s Comfort Resolution

Monday, January 27th, 2025

It’s 2025, and the time has come to enjoy life and take comfort where we can. Your home is your castle! You should always be relaxed and serene in your castle, but how can you do that if basic comforts are lacking? Make a New Year’s comfort resolution, join our Total Comfort Club, and we’ll get your HVAC system in perfect condition so your castle will be luxurious.

And if you choose a higher level, such as gold or platinum membership, there are even more rewards! Discounts and guarantees on repairs, priority scheduling, avoiding dispatch fees and overtime rates, and even accruing an annual bonus to put toward your eventual system replacement are all possibilities. We’d love to talk to you about our maintenance club in Salem County, NJ, and nearby areas like Ventnor City, Vineland, and Voorhees

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Thermostat Tips for the Summer

Monday, April 10th, 2023

So, you’ve just invested in a brand-new air conditioning system. Or, maybe you’re trying to get your heat pump to last as long as possible before it needs to be replaced. Sitting down the family to have a discussion about best practices is a very good idea, especially because it creates an opportunity to teach them about how HVAC works and why it’s such an important thing to consider. After all, the more efficiently your HVAC system operates, the more money you’ll save and the more likely it is that you’ll be able to afford that summer vacation.

It all starts with your thermostat. A better thermostat operation is going to mean your HVAC system runs more efficiently, it’s really that simple. And, with a few tips and tricks, you could keep things in smooth operation and get through the summer comfortably. You might even need a thermostat upgrade in Salem County, or at least repairs in Pittsgrove, Pilesgrove, or Woodstown.

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What Exactly Does a Wi-Fi Thermostat Do?

Monday, December 19th, 2022

You’ve heard us talk about smart and Wi-Fi thermostats a lot on this blog, mainly as an upgrade option. But you probably haven’t heard us mention some of the more abstract benefits from this kind of technology. It’s true that Wi-Fi thermostats are more convenient to operate, but sometimes convenience also comes hand-in-hand with better operation, efficiency, and more benefits that you can take advantage of. This blog post is going to focus on these three benefits for customers.

  • Convenient operation and faster updates.
  • Control from anywhere and everywhere.
  • A detailed look at your HVAC technology.

With an upgrade like this, we’re certain that you’ll be better off in the long run. Just make sure you contact a professional for a smart thermostat in Salem County, especially if you’ve got an old, analog thermostat that’s been in need of an upgrade for decades.

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Ambient’s Heating Maintenance Checklist

Monday, September 26th, 2022

While winter isn’t here yet, it’s definitely on its way! Fall serves as a transitionary period between summer and winter. As the leaves change, the temperature drops, and holidays get in full swing, it’s up to us to make sure that our homes are warm and cozy. Are you nervous about the functionality of your heating system, since it’s been a few months since you turned it on? Then don’t worry, this blog post is for you.

When we talk about heating maintenance in Salem County, we’re usually talking about the service that we provide. Scheduling a maintenance appointment is a vital job that you should do if you’re looking to keep your heating system in good shape. However, there are other things that customers in Pilesgrove, Pittsgrove, and Woodstown can do to ensure that their heating system works properly for the months ahead.

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5 Reasons Your AC Could Break Soon!

Monday, June 6th, 2022

We don’t want to be alarmist. For most homeowners, the signs are pretty obvious when something is wrong with an air conditioner, and getting them addressed by a professional is the first step toward successful temperature control. However, there are many people who don’t understand how their air conditioners work, and thus, how problems happen. This means that a grinding or hissing noise coming from an AC unit is more likely to be ignored because a homeowner just doesn’t know what that is!

Well, if you were looking for a way to identify some imminent problems in your air conditioner, this blog post is it! Buckle up and get ready to call us for AC repair in Salem County if you recognize any of the following issues. Our team provides expert AC repair throughout Salem County, Pilesgrove, Pittsgrove, and even Woodstown. You just need to get in touch with one of our team members!

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The Risks of DIY Heater Repair

Monday, February 28th, 2022

We want homeowners to be excited about their heating systems, especially when they’ve got a professional team like ours on hand to fix them. This is important because of how bad it can be when homeowners try to do repairs themselves. DIY projects are fun and can be a great way to save money, when it’s just building a garden outdoors or painting a wall in your home, but your HVAC system is a much different thing.

Unfortunately, there’s a lot that can go wrong when you try to perform DIY heating repair in Salem County. We’ve got nightmare stories from Pittsgrove, Pilesgrove, and Woodstown about homeowners disrupting their warranties, bumping or misaligning components, or actually causing the need for a full replacement. Let’s briefly talk about what can go wrong with DIY repairs and then focus on the benefits of a professional fix.

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This Is What an AC Tune-Up Entails

Monday, July 6th, 2020

One of the hardest selling points for air conditioning maintenance, an essential service, is that many homeowners don’t know what it is. Sure, people get the general gist of what maintenance entails, but they don’t know what exactly takes place during this type of service. Unfortunately, this hurts our cause, because when homeowners don’t know what maintenance entails, they think it’s not necessarily important—and that’s just flat out wrong.

Today, we’re going to fix the poor reputation that air conditioning maintenance has and try to talk about what exactly takes place when you sign up for this service. AC tune-ups in Salem County, NJ are an essential part of being an air conditioner owner, and they contribute immensely to the efficiency and effectiveness of your system. If you’re looking to improve the condition of your HVAC, you’re better off reading our advice below.

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